Amber & Keoni
I recently had the chance to photograph Amber and Keoni's wedding day! And I must say I'm lucky I get to notice every little expression through the eye piece of my camera. A nice late afternoon ceremony, a reception with hula performances and dancing that would continue on into the night! Lighting and audio provided by Hawaii Sound & Vision, I highly recommend these guys for your event, ask for Luckey Brown very cool guy. I also want to thank Amber & Keoni for giving us a room for the night at the newly renovated King Kam hotel!
Strobist: The ceremony photo's were just about impossible because of how stong the afternoon back light had become, and I knew it would be a problem ekkkkhhhh! Break out the secret weapons! I had previously stashed a SB600 hidden in the gazebo @ 1/4 power just in case, dont remember the rest of the settings, I was using a radio trigger to pop off the flash for some fill, there was no way I knew there was going to overpower that ambient, but it came out great. Night shots were done using a single Nikon SB24 bare flash also on a radio trigger and light stand ISO 800, 1/250th @ f9
Strobist: The ceremony photo's were just about impossible because of how stong the afternoon back light had become, and I knew it would be a problem ekkkkhhhh! Break out the secret weapons! I had previously stashed a SB600 hidden in the gazebo @ 1/4 power just in case, dont remember the rest of the settings, I was using a radio trigger to pop off the flash for some fill, there was no way I knew there was going to overpower that ambient, but it came out great. Night shots were done using a single Nikon SB24 bare flash also on a radio trigger and light stand ISO 800, 1/250th @ f9
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