Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Debbie & Andy

We had booked a small family affair at the "Keahou Hideaway" this was the first time I had been to this location, and proved to be the most difficult weddings I've had to shoot. We started off at 4:00pm with a wedding ceremony at 5:00, followed by the sunset which was scheduled to set at about 5:30. Combined with all sorts of mixed lighting, half-lit interiors and exteriors, busy backgrounds and a lack of time, I was a little worried how things would turn out. I think the most difficult thing I had to deal with was the confined space of the wedding ceremony itself. It was hard trying to frame shots with such busy backgrounds. Following the ceremony the bride and groom elected to do the group shots, I had set up my strobes for some sunset family shots only to find a huge kukui nut tree blocking the entire sunset (and a slightly overcast sunset it was) There were a lot of complications, that I found difficult but more so dissapointing. As a photographer you always wish for good lighting... I've learned to deal with bad lighting situations, and expect bad lighting rather then good and have learned to over come this. But this was the first time I had to deal with backgrounds I felt were less than ideal, and my DSLR didn't have the "terrible background compensation button" to bail me out. I know that the Bride and Groom were okay with it, but it was bugging me and it still is. We ended up staying an hour longer then contracted, and I had also offered to do a free sunset portrait of the bride and groom at a later date. Through no fault of mine, I just felt bad things were less than idea (in my honest opinion) Would it have been better if I had known before hand what this location had in store for me? Probably not, what could I have done if I had known... give them the cold shoulder? Even though it seems like I was worried (which I was) I think things turned out pretty good, and I think they'll be happy!


Strobist: I used a SB600 shooting through a umbrella camera left, and/or a bare sb600 camera right bouncing off of a high reflector for some of the group shots. which I havent posted which makes it pointless for me to even be talking about it. Lenses used, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 50mm f1.4. Processed with Capture NX2 & Photoshop CS3




shoot through umbrella camera left ISO 200, f5.6, 1/40 sec

on camera flash diffused with small softbox


Photography Services

Interested in booking a photo session? Simply use the "contact" page on my photography website, or send an email to jeff@jkokunaphotography.com!! Discounts for Kama'aina's!


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