Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunset Portrait

I had contacted Debbie & Andy asking them if they had wanted to do a "free" sunset portrait session. The reason being, I really wanted to do something more for them since the weather and location wasn't able to do them justice during their recently past event (if that makes any sense) you could say I felt bad and it was eating away at me. Honestly I love doing the strobist thing every chance I get, so it's down to a secluded spot in Kona for another sunset shoot!

Strobist info noted. Lenses used: Nikon AFS 24-70 f2.8, & AFS 50mm f1.4, processed with Nikon Capture NX2 & Photoshop CS3

ISO 200, f13, 1/160 sec, SB600 camera right  @ 1/2 power


ISO 200, f13, 1/125 sec, bare SB600 camera right (between subject and background)

ISO 200, f13, 1/125 sec, bare SB600 camera left @ full power

You know, I dont know why my photos that I post start to look blurry when viewed, must be the way that I'm uploading or resizing the images, perhaps I should be uploading tiff files instead of jpg? Either way the original files dont look like that, and it seems to be a common problem with blogger, perhaps I picked the wrong blog to display my images, I'm too poor to get the fancy version of wordpress, I gottah figure this one out.


Photography Services

Interested in booking a photo session? Simply use the "contact" page on my photography website, or send an email to!! Discounts for Kama'aina's!


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